MSNBC’s Chris Matthews on Wednesday had one major question after the debate: “Where was Obama tonight?”
Matthews — who said Wednesday night's showdown “wasn’t an MSNBC debate, was it?” because it didn’t mention the “key fighting points of this campaign" — blasted Obama’s debate performance, saying he went into the night “disarmed.” What Romney was doing tonight, unlike Obama, was "winning," Matthews also described Obama’s debate performance as “like, ‘I’ll wait an hour and a half, I think I can get through this thing. I don’t even look at this guy.' Whereas Romney — I loved the split screen, staring at Obama, addressing him, like the prey. He did it just right. I'm coming at an incumbent. I've got to beat him. You gotta beat the champ, and I’m gonna beat him tonight. And I don't care what this guy moderator, whatever he thinks he is, because I'm going to ignore him. What was Romney doing? He was winning.”