I am proud to announce an uber successful street fair, Folsom Europe on Fuggerstrasse in the gay neighborhood Schoneberg of Berlin. Despite some annoying mid day showers, (which always wash the sales away), but overall the entire affair was a total and success cause we sold out baby! Boy Butter already has many fans in Germany and for those who never saw my products before were educated about all the varied Boy Butter lines, if they understood english, and dazzled by our wide array of personal lubricants. The leather clad crowd was in great spirits, drinking lots of beer and snacks, and were luckily in a buying mood, cause we sold out baby! Thank you to all the fans, customers and exhibitors for a great day.
Boy Butter Booth Photos for Folsom Europe:
Check out my hippie flagger inspired friction fighting fantasy booth.
Check out my hippie flagger inspired friction fighting fantasy booth.
Here are two of me working in the booth
looking particularly goofy in my opinion.