On Friday, October 18th, 2013 at 5:08 pm Eyal Feldman, owner and creator of Boy Butter Lubricants and long time marathon swim enthusiast completes a 1.12 mile swim in Israel's Dead Sea, a salt lake bordering Israel and Jordan. "I did it just to see if it could be done." says Feldman. The 35 minute swim covered 1.8 km or 1.12 miles, possibly making it a world record. A Google search shows no mention of anyone ever conducting a swim of this length in the Dead Sea, or any swim at all. Swimming is not recommended in Dead Sea, a desert salt lake 1300 feet below sea level, with a salt and mineral content upward of 30 percent. Just a splash of Dead Sea water in your eyes or mouth can send you running to shore, if you are not blinded and disoriented by water ten times saltier than the Ocean. Dozens of people are drowned every year in the Dead Sea, so it makes this a super fun challenge.
Eyal Feldman in a death defying swim