You have to check out some of the lovely photos from our recent trip to Canada's second largest city, Montreal. The city is the cultural and economic capital of Quebec and the main entry point to the province. It is a city rich in culture and history and a well-deserved reputation as one of the liveliest cities in North America. Montreal is the second-largest French-speaking (as a mother language) city in the world, behind Paris. The population of Montreal is about 1.9 million, with 4 million in the metro area. There is a lot to do for any tourist and boy can it get hot and humid in the summer, felt more like Miami than what you would expect Montreal to feel like.
Old Montreal, gives you that so old french village feel
Old Montreal street
I love Old Montreal window boxes
Gay Village Montreal
Boy Butter section of Priape, Canada's largest gay store chain
Priape storefront in Gay Village
Bonsai bonanza at Botanical Garden of Montreal
Mini Bonsai forest
Another Beautiful bonsai
145 year old bonsai tree
Brendan resting on the grass of Botanical Gardens
Pondside Botanical Gardens
1000 pinned beetles
An otter posing at the Biodome