This past weekend, my parents, sister and her husband went to Nevada to prepare Lake Mead for my upcoming 7 mile marathon swim next month on September 18th, Hoover Dam this is a Long Swim. We checked out the marina at the lake where we are to rent a 10 person boat for my family who are my safety and support crew. I felt the temperature of the water and it could not have been better for a 3.5 hour swim. A surprising thing was the quantity of fish, particularly large carp, living and begging for food at the marina. From the marina we drove to the spot my swim is named for, the Hoover Dam. The Hoover Dam is a concrecte arch-gravity dam in the Black Canyon of the Colorado River, on the border between Nevada and Arizona built from 1931 to 1935. A perk of visiting this amazing location was spending two nights in Las Vegas a mere 30 miles away. We roamed the Strip ate, gambled, shopped and laughed like madmen at the perfect stand up routine of living legend, Jerry Seinfeld at Caesar's Palace Colosseum. It was a good time.
On the road to Hoover Dam just outside of Boulder City, NV
Boat we are to rent for safety and support crew
Me at the edge of Lake Mead
A thousand large carp fighting for popcorn at the Marina
crossing into Arizona
The Hoover Dam from Arizona side
Video of Hoover Dam and Lake Mead from Arizona side
Looks like the perfect camera shot
Siegfried and Roy's memorial on the Las Vegas strip. I just wanted to pose next to it,
but you guys know how aggressive those white tigers can be.
My sister, Donna Feldman, posing next to the Jerry Seinfeld show poster we are about to enjoy.
Jerry Seinfeld on stage, this is best image I could get without bum rushing the stage for a better one and setting off security.
I found this tall cactus in Barstow, CA on way back from Vegas to LA.