My name is Eyal Feldman, born 1977 in Israel and raised in Calabasas, California since the 1980's.
Eyal Feldman: 33 year old inventor of Boy Butter
Personal Lubricants had a dream of becoming a
teacher. Graduating from UCSD (Univ. of California,
San Diego) in 2000 with a degree in History, Eyal
moved to NY to work for a bit and discover himself
after a few years Boy Butter was born. Boy Butter was
to be a personal lubricant packaged more like a
food than an adult product to remove any shame or
stigma associated with sex products. That idea
seemed to work out, he would revive cream
lubricants to popularity from the 1970's, which fell out
of favor due to the rise of condoms and safe sex of
the 1980's. Boy Butter came to Market memorial day 2003 and became a bestseller since. He has since invented the first water based and condom safe cream lubricant, You'll Never Know it's Not Boy Butter, which quickly became his best selling products because they were the first water based products that
never went sticky or messy and actually improved the feeling of safe sex. His company is growing and growing and lives in New York city again and promises to improve upon the world of sex, Boy Butter now has over 25 products in the
line, to learn more visit, www.boybutter.com or visit Eyal Feldman's blog,